The answer is within you.
I very rarely talk politics with anyone. I have found there are certain arguments you will never win and everyone will try to convince you their idea is better. So it's just best to be quiet :) But.....I am ecstatic how the outcome of the election came out. Never before have I been so invloved in learning about each candidate. It saddens me how much hate there is out there because of this race and the people who actually believe some of the stuff going around. I understand that this man is a politician and not everything will play out the way he promised. I understand he has many expectations to fill from supporters AND critics alike. That would have held true for McCain as well. But for the first time in a LONNNNNNNNNNG time, I believe change can come to this country. It's not that I don't think Mr. McCain could have brought change, I respect him and truley believe he would have done much more than the current administration, I just believe Obama can do better. And I very strongly dislike Palin ;) So. It's over. It's done. A new leadership is upon us. It's time to come together and embrace the change. :)
Oh and happy weekend!
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